
Oh Just Random Things

Stephanie said I should post random pictures of Bennett doing things around the house....

So here he is outside with Dad, calming down after a bit of fussiness. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery!

And here he is, eating his favorite thing, a strawberry, during a friend's baby shower:

And here he is being quite uncertain about this new cauliflower thing he discovered on his tray:

Look mom, I found Haylie!

Here, let me examine your paw for you:

I am very intense in my love for you, dog:

Bennett loves to look outside,

So I figured I would give him some independence to be in or out as he pleased. It went well for about five minutes,

Until he decided independence is overrated.

Dad fell asleep with himself and his computer within baby reach. This does not bode well for his nap, or the computer.

Happily playing with the remnants of grapes and sweet potato chunks. I think.

Walking downtown:

Seriously, that's enough pictures, mom.

Oh and here is a video for good measure:

Oh and I was very happy about all the comments on the last post! I say "all the" even though there were only nine, but that is more people than I thought read this! Thanks, nine of you! Feel free to comment again!


Happy Spring!*

* yes, he is a boy. flowers can be boys too,
especially when their mothers can find an excuse to buy pretty much anything from the Target dollar section.

**just a friendly reminder to my four readers that i quite like getting comments :)


Little Fish!

We went SWIMMING! In the middle of freezing, nasty, Michigan February, the Goldfish Swim School in Birmingham is a balmy, 80 degree heated pool baby and toddler swim school haven. And it was wonderful. And Bennett loved it.

With all the fun and excitement and such, he just couldn't manage to close his mouth.

And dad can make the same face

This is Google stock photo material. That is my unbiased opinion.

Lest you think Bennett is being raised by a single father, I requested a moment on the other side of the camera.

And also, I am on a shameless quest for blog comments. I happen to really like them. Kris says that if I had told more than 5 people about this blog, I may have more comments, but to that I say...whatev. So, you're reading this, now feel free click the little comments thing below and write something! And by "feel free," I mean "do it". Even if I don't actually know you. That's fine. :)


In Which Bennett Discovers That Shoelaces Are Cool, But Ipads Are Cooler

All Detroiters know that January = Auto Show Time, which means Kurt came to visit! He brought one of Bennett's cousins, one year old Kaleb, so B got some family time with 1/3 of the Costa Rican crew. Kaleb came with the ubiquitous hit toy among the pre-pre-K set, the Ipad, and almost as cool, shoelaces.


I Heart Other Babies

Bennett has been busy adding to his collection of friends! He made his first girl baby friend, Ariana Rajah. Please excuse his disheveled appearance. He was happier with one foot out.


For My Lone and Faithful Reader, Kurt Johnson Jr.

I figure I may as well start addressing these to you, since you are, I am quite certain, the only one who reads this. So, hi Kurt! Here are some pictures from Puerto Rico...B's getting pretty tall, he's about 30 inches, and 16.5 pounds. He can sit pretty well, and can get himself around on his stomach, (though I've never seen it...I only know because I put him down for a nap and came back and he was halfway across the room! Yikes.) and has started imitating words a bit, mainly "mama." Anyways, now that I know there's a person out there in the world reading this, I will post more often :) Oh, and we got your Christmas card...loved it!


Cider Mill!

We headed to the cider mill to indoctrinate Bennett, so he will learn to eagerly await September like every other true Michigander.

Aunt Tina, Uncle Tori and Toriano were in town, so Bennett got to spend time with one of his two cousins who are his same age (or who will be when we stop counting in months...)

With grandma, grandpa and Toriano...not everyone's figured out how to look at the camera yet.

My child is a bit nosy.

Hanging out with grandpa...and holding hands with Tina.

Of course, I insisted on a family picture.

Such a serious apple.

Back at grandma and grandpa's house in time for Bennett to have manly bonding time watching the game!